These videos were created by dedicated, professional and lay people covering a wide range of topics related to trauma, healing and resiliency. We are excited to be able to offer them here for your exploration.
To see the video, click on the video thumbnail. 
Peace4Tarpon Flags

Male Survivors of child sexual abuse/Boys and Men Healing Film Excerpts

Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Conference

Dr. Andy Blanch – Domestic Violence: Trauma and Youth Conference

KarmaTube Students Stand Up for Mental Health2

Is Depression a Mental Illness? No.

Adverse Childhood Experiences by Vince Felitti, MD – 13 minute version

Child Maltreatment Consequences

Community Engagement
A San Diego Principal Takes on Trauma
Trauma Truth
Trauma Informed Communities
Positive Influence Will Change a Life- PSA
TED Talk: How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime- Nadine Burke Harris

Surprising Bullying Solution: LOVE (by Brooks Gibbs)

Trauma Resolution Center

To This Day Project – Shane Koyczan

ACE’S by Vince Felitti, MD

Who is PEERS?

The Dalai Lama Laughing – Seeds of Compassion Seattle

Tonier Cain – Domestic Violence: Trauma and Youth Conference

Dr. Robert Moore – P4T

ACE Study DVD & Executive Summary
Everything You Know About Addiction is Wrong- Johann Hari
Everything You Know About Addiction is Wrong- Cartoon
Trauma and Resiliency PSA
60 Minutes: Oprah Winfrey on Childhood Trauma